to Recipients
Kylynda Bauer
Kylynda Bauer, a 17-year-old junior from Myersville, Md., has been awarded the Karen Minner Scholarship at Highland View Academy. The announcement was made Saturday, May 3, 2008, at HVA's Alumni Homecoming celebration. The $1,000 scholarship is for the 2008-09 school year.
Kyly is the daughter of Lt. Col. Paul Bauer and Celinda Bauer. Col. Bauer is chief of Joint Manpower Resources at the Pentagon, and Celinda teaches Spanish at HVA.
A native of Puerto Rico, Kyly has lived in several parts of the U.S. because of her father's military career. She plays violin, viola, and piano, and accompanies the Highlanders select choir, sometimes singing with them as well. She also plays in the Hood College String Ensemble.
She loves sports as well, and plays with the Lady Tartans varsity soccer team. Hiking, reading, and creative writing also take some of her time. Her reading interests run across genre lines to include such diverse works as To Kill a Mockingbird, John Knowles's A Separate Peace, Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card, and The Chronicles of Narnia.
Kyly contemplates minoring in music when she gets to college, and choosing a major that will open the path toward doctoral work in neuroscience. "I'd like to map out the brain and learn more about how children grasp abstract concepts," she says.
Kyly is the Social Vice President of HVA's Student Association for the school year now ending, and has been elected president of the senior class of 2009. "She was clearly the top candidate for this year's scholarship," says Jennifer Payne, who teaches English at HVA and is Karen Minner's sister. "It was an easy choice for the faculty."
Kyly has one sister, Khelsea, 15, a rising sophomore at HVA.
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